TMS to conduct Regionalization Study for North Brookfield

Since 2006, we have partnered with a myriad of organizations – including school districts, non-profits, and businesses – to support their leaders and teams so that they meet their goals and achieve success.

The North Brookfield Public Schools (NBPS) received a Regionalization Study Grant from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and has selected TMS to conduct a study of the potential of regionalizing with a neighboring district. The NBPS have put together an exploratory committee with which TMS will be working to conduct a feasibility study. Two questions will be guiding the work (per the Request for Quotes [RFQ]): (1) Should North Brookfield pursue regionalization? and (2) If yes, then which district would be the best partner(s) for our community, Quabbin Regional School District, Quaboag Regional School District, or Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District?

At the Exploratory Committee’s April 15th meeting, the group voted unanimously to accept the RFQ submitted by TMS. Reasons cited included our local connections to the area, the best written report (citing the Ware Regionalization Study report) and presentation to the Ware community on January 29, 2020 (click this link and search in the Government folder for the 1.29.20 meeting).

In addition to the feasibility study, the Exploratory Committee has also reached out to the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to conduct a demographic study, which will inform the work. TMS is pleased to be able to help the NBPS in this process and we look forward to working with our colleagues at NESDEC.